
The awe inspiring scope and magnificent magnitude of  Divine Creation. 

The Infinite, Unending Light, the Unified Mind-Heart of God.

The Supernal Spirit and field matrix that weaves through the inner and outer universes. 

The Host of Light; our Sisters and Brothers in the Heavens guiding humanity through this time of great challenge, change and transformation. 

The greatest art work of ALL; the Universe of Universes created by the Greatest Artist of ALL;  the Creator of Creators, the Creator of All That is.


In these times of great challenge, change and consciousness transformation, we need art more than ever!

Art can uplift our Spirits and provide a vehicle to connect to the divine essence of who we are as spiritual beings.

Art can inspire, awaken, activate and transform consciousness, providing new positive and creative frameworks to view the world and our greater role in the Divine Plan of Creation.

When we shift our consciousness to a greater awareness we can always have positive vision, access positive solutions, see a positive future and find positive ways forward as humanity; caretakers of our beautiful blue green jewel in space, Mother Earth, Gaia.


The In Search of the Divine vision has now been grounded in the founding of the In Search of the Divine Gallery. The gallery’s mission is to provide a sacred space to promote and foster dialogue, theory, practice and community in the Spiritual arts.

The contemporary art world often falls short to support the sacred arts and does not promote a positive climate for artists to discuss the spiritual content of their work. If these topics are allowed, the artist and their work is often pigeonholed into a cultural or religious framework which still often negates the higher spiritual message and vision of the artist.

Thus, artists often do not share their spiritual inspiration or, in general, engage in non-spiritual artistic endeavours so they can be accepted and survive in the art world.